Showing posts with label kaiverra leimaismet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kaiverra leimaismet. Show all posts

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Leikkaa ihka omat kirjainleimasimet-Carve your own letter stamps

Tää on niin helppoa, (in english at the end of this post :)
piirrä haluamasi aakkonen lyijykynällä pyyhekumiin tai kaupasta saatavaan
vaaleanpunaiseen kaiverruskumiin. Sitten vaan askarteluveitsellä kokonaan kirjain irti 
kumista. Siksi kokonaan, että sitä on helpompi toiselta puolelta nähdä, kun painat kirjaimella

Tee vaikka koko aakkosto, tai yritä olla luova ja pärjätä muutamalla kirjaimen muodolla... 

Mitä värikkäämpää, sen hauskempaa :)  

For my readers abroad:
  • Craft scalpel ( and scissors )
  • erasers / rubber / gum / something what you can cut for stamps
  • Pencil to design your letterforms
  • Tracing paper ( baking paper works fine, too )
  • Stamp pads
  • Paper ( for stamping )
  • Some plexiglass or heavy cardboard if you wish to mount your letters
  • Double sided tape
  • Cutter set for linoleum
  • Black permanent fine tip pen

Start by drawing some letterforms to paper, scetching and freely draw them out.

When you are happy to your letters you can trace your desing in two ways in to your eraser:
  • 1. trace the letter onto tracing paper. Hold the tracing paper on your eraser and rub with your fingernails and your letter is on the eraser. Then just carve or cut the shape out of it.
  • 2. Because I´m lazy and want everything happen quickly I just usually draw the letter to my eraser and that´s it. Then I just cut the whole letter out of the eraser and it is ready to go.

Either way, if you wish to mount your letterstamps, use double sided tape and tape your letter to a piece of plexi glass/heavy weight paper / cardboard.

That was the hard work and now it is time to play Have lot´s of stamp pads ready and start stamp words, phrases or what ever you want.

Usually I write some words whit my black thin marker. Free, handwriting goes well with these rough letterstamps.

Add some decorative elements by carving flowers or some figurines which goes with your letters. For example my letterforms are very “raw” – crafty. So my flower leaf is also quite massive. Goes well with the letters.

If you feel that your letters need a little something more, add shadows to another side of the letter – that way you can have more power to your letters. You can use regular colored pencil for that technique.
And most important thing! Have fun!
